
Unifying Knowledge, Empowering Teams.

A centralised intranet platform for information sharing, offering a service that fosters a sense of belonging among employees, and enhances team
cohesion thereby facilitating collaboration.

Getting started

The Process


Summary & Business Needs  


Research Goals


Research Methods


Research Results





step 1


Our company embarked on a journey to enhance internal communication and streamline information access by introducing a new company intranet. We conducted user research to understand the needs and pain points of our employees. This involved surveys & interviews to gather valuable insights into user preferences and behaviours.

Armed with this data, we collaborated with cross-functional teams to design and develop a user-friendly intranet solution tailored to meet the diverse needs of our workforce.


What value is this product aspiring to create?

Create a central hub for all things related to the company. This will serve as a central space for sharing, collaboration, and the celebration of all aspects of the company. It should be the first resource that the company employees access in the morning and the last one they close before ending their workday.


What is your product and who is it for?

As the central hub of the company universe, InsideHub will provide all employees with essential information, including achievements, company news, events, diversity-related topics, and more.


How do you measure your product success?

  • User engagement-using Analytics provided by Sharepoint
  • Feedback from users
  • More collaboration across teams


How does the product benefit the business?

At present, the company lacks a centralised platform for information sharing. The introduction of InsideHub aims to address this gap, offering a service that fosters a sense of belonging among employees and enhances team cohesion, thereby facilitating collaboration.

step 2

Research Goals

This step helped ensure that we had goals to provide a clear purpose and direction for the user research. This helped us understand what we aimed to achieve by conducting the research. Without clear goals, we would have risked collecting irrelevant or inconsistent data that doesn't serve our project's objectives.

  • Discover the current status of the company employees regarding their needs and challenges. Additionally, understand their perspective on how they envision InsideHub addressing these requirements.
  • Identify opportunities to enhance collaboration and communication among employees through the intranet
  • Promote user adoption and engagement with the intranet by understanding user preferences and addressing potential barriers.
  • Determine which features and content are most valuable to users to prioritise development efforts effectively.
  • Discover opportunities to streamline existing workflows and processes within the organisation through the intranet

step 3

Research Methods

This step involved choosing the right research methods that would deliver the best results, we chose survey's & user interviews. Surveys are a versatile and valuable tool for gathering data and insights from diverse populations, standardising data collection, ensuring consistency in the questions asked and the format of responses. This made the analysis and comparison of results across different respondents and groups a lot easier. The User interviews allowed for a deeper dive into the experiences, opinions, and motivations of users. Through open-ended questioning, we aimed to uncover rich insights that may not emerge through other research methods.

User Interview

I conducted user research framing the questions into three distinctive buckets

  • Find out where users are today (Introduction questions).
  • Find out what are the obstacles (Obstacles)
  • Find out where they want to be (Desired Destination)

When creating the questions I focused on making sure that the questions themselves fell into one of these buckets.

Example Questions

Introduction Question

Have you ever used a company intranet before? What did you like about it? Was there anything you didn't like about it?

Obstacle Question

Is there anything you can think of that would stop you using a company Intranet?
For example: inconvenience of logging in to another app?

Desired Destination Question

In your view what would a successful intranet look like?

User Survey

Section 1 - Importance of Intranet Subjects

Please rate the importance of the following subjects for you on the company intranet. Use a scale from 1 to 5, where 1 is not important, and 5 is very important.

  • Company culture & values (diversity, cultural events, vision, org chart, social updates, Vlogs & Blogs)
  • Upcoming Events (Socials, training, big launches)
  • Health & Wellness (Blogs & Vlogs, News, benefits updates)
  • Charity (How to get involved, upcoming activities, blogs)
  • People (Birthdays, shoutouts, rewards, social wall)
  • Useful resources (Case studies, FAQs, expense forms, Branding, IT Support)

Section 2 - Communication Preferences

What is your preferred format for consuming company-related content?

  • Text/Articles
  • Videos
  • Infographics
  • Other

Section 3 - General Questions

  • What challenges do you currently face in accessing important information within the company?
  • What improvements would you like to see in the current communication channels within the company?
  • Do you have any suggestions or ideas for making the intranet more engaging and user-friendly?

step 4

Research Results

The analysis of results is a crucial phase in the user research process, where raw data collected from various research methods are transformed into meaningful insights. This section outlines the systematic approach taken to analyze the data gathered from user surveys, interviews, and other research activities.

Section 1 - Importance of Intranet Subjects

Please rate the importance of the following subjects for you on the company intranet. Use a scale from 1 to 5, where 1 is not important, and 5 is very important.

Company culture & values


Upcoming Events


Health & Wellness






Useful resources


Section 2 - Communication Preferences

What is your preferred format for consuming company-related content?







Section 3 - General Questions

Q1. What challenges do you currently face in accessing important information within the company?

  • "Information is hard to find and not always updated"
  • "Unsure if I'm using the latest version of the information"
  • "Currently most of the important documents are spread across different TEAMS channels. It will be ideal to have a one location/directory to access all the information related to the company"

Q2. What improvements would you like to see in the current communication channels within the company?

  • "Consistency of format and channels, avoidance of Teams as it is already overcrowded with chats and groups"
  • "More streamlined. Too many channels on Teams"
  • "The idea of centralising the information to one place will resolve my main issue"

Q2. What improvements Do you have any suggestions or ideas for making the intranet more engaging and user-friendly?

  • "Consistency of"I think being concise is key. A long video or a long article will most likely be ignored and forgotten" format and channels, avoidance of Teams as it is already overcrowded with chats and groups"
  • "Visual information, not just blogs or text"
  • "The idea of centralising the information to one place will resolve my main issue"

step 5


The analysis of results is a crucial phase in the user research process, where raw data collected from various research methods are transformed into meaningful insights. This section outlines the systematic approach taken to analyse the data gathered from user surveys, interviews, and other research activities.

Firstly I Reviewed the videos recorded from the interviews, sliced out all the insightful examples using video editing software and rendered them into smaller clips. I looked for patterns and similarities with what the user's were saying to get an overall perspective of the answers the users were giving us.

I also put together a drill down by team using the survey data, so that I could understand what is important to users on a team level. This will help later down the line when we design for individual teams and they have their own mini intranet they can make their own.

step 6


From all the data that was collected we were able to pinpoint key areas to focus on:

  • The current status of the company employees regarding their needs and challenges regarding important information
  • Identified opportunities to enhance collaboration and communication among employees through the intranet
  • Determined which features and content are the most valuable to users.

Key Takeaways

Intranet Subjects

  • Company culture & values (diversity, cultural events, vision, org chart, social updates, Vlogs & Blogs)
  • Organisational chart, social updates
  • People (Birthdays, shout-outs, rewards)
  • Useful resources (Case studies, FAQs, expense forms, Branding, IT Support)

What challenges do you currently face in accessing important information within the company?

  • "Information is hard to find and not always updated and is in several different locations"

What improvements would you like to see in the current communication channels within the company?

  • "Consistency of format and channels, avoidance of Teams as it is already overcrowded with chats and groups"

What improvements Do you have any suggestions or ideas for making the intranet more engaging and user-friendly?

  • "The idea of centralising the information to one place will resolve my main issue"

What People Say

"Glenn complies with the highest requirements, and keeps pushing the boundaries and the limits of innovation, with a desire to achieve higher levels of performance. I'd say that he is a force for efficiency and progress for any company. In his time of SMI he also took big steps in being able to face clients and simplify the complexity of the systems he manages for those who don't know digital. A very hard working and positive element to have".

Mickaël Gootjes - New Business Director SMI

"During my time working alongside Glenn, he showed great efficiency in developing and implementing new digital initiatives into the company's operations. Such initiatives provided added value to existing services, allowed for new service offerings and assisted in the overall effectiveness of the marketing portfolio I managed".

Nicholas Carroll - Communications, media and digital manager

"I have worked with Glenn both during my time at Sportfocus and also on a freelance basis. I’ve found that Glenn approaches each project with 100% commitment offering new ideas with his in-depth knowledge of the digital world.

Glenn has a great eye for creative design, delivering a fabulous result at the same understanding fully what the requirement was. He’s always a pleasure to work with and I very much look forward to working with him in the future.".

Pritesh Patel - Director P-19 Media